Below shows are the common problems that are always faced by users who have account or email problem:
Question 1: I am not able to view or open up any attachments from my Outlook Express. [?]
Question 2: I am not able to send and receive mail. Whenever I click on send and receive, a window appear and disappear again in a split second. There is no error message. I am using Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express. [?]
Question 3: I have problem in sending out email. Previously, I have no problem, but today, my client claims that he did not receive any email or attachments from me although I have sent out the mail successful. [?]
Question 4: I tried to send out an email to 100 recipients at one time, however an error message saying ".... message could not be sent out....... maximum recipient count exceeded......". What is the problem? [?] Question 5: I have no problem in receiving email, however, when I try to send out an email, an error message stating "..... message could not be sent out.... because one of the recipients was reject by the server.......". What is the problem? [?]
Question 6: I have a lot of mails inside my Outlook Express, but today when I open my Outlook Express, there was not a single mail inside. [?]
Question 7: I am not able to do receive or send out any emails. I am also not able to surf any web sites. [?]
Question 8: I was downloading my mails halfway through when the mail process hangs. I closed the program and tried to download the mails again, but failed to do so. [?]
Question 9: I am not able to send and receive any emails. I am able to surf the Internet. My company is also not using any mail daemon. [?] Question 10: I went to check the log files inside the _reports/200303/ folder at their server and I noticed that the file size for some of the .html files are quite huge. the max is 171kb, will there be any hard disk full problem in the further when more months are being recorded? [?]
Question 11: When I send an email to a particular user from another domain / company, I received a bounced mail with subject "Mail Delivery Failure". Inside the content, it states that ".......550 Invalid Recipient...... Could not deliver mail to this user.....". What could be the problem? [?]
Question 12: My client sends me an email, however, I did not receive it. In fact, I did not receive a single mail even though a lot of users have being sending email to me. What could be the problem? [?]
Question 13: I am able to receive, however, I could not send out any email. I can send to my own colleagues / staffs internally, however, I could not send out any email to external users. How could be the problem? [?]
Question 14: I receive a mail with an attached text file with filename "Wired-Media Anti-Virus safe stamp.txt". The mail is unfamiliar and wierd. Is there anything wrong or is there a virus? [?]
Below are the answers / solutions on how users can go about solving the problems that they are facing:
Answer 1: Click on tools > options > security tab, under virus protection, Uncheck the option "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus"
Answer 2: Click on tools > account > mail tab> properties, check the option "Include this when receiving mail or synchronizing".
Answer 3: It could be because your mailbox size in your server has exceeded the mailbox quota that is allocated to you. This is especially the case for users who leave a copy of their mails in the server, causing their mailbox size to be exceeded. Check your mails through the internet e.g. mail.<your domain name> and clear your mailbox.
Answer 4: The reason is because the server maximum recipient count is set at 80. It is recommended that you split out the message to be sent out twice, with each mail not exceeding 80 recipients.
Answer 5: Click on tools > account > mail tab > Highlight on your mail account and click on properties > Click on server tab, make sure you check on the option "My server requires authentication". Click on settings. Make sure the option "Log on using" is checked and key in your email address under the 'Account Name' column.
Answer 6: It may be because someone may have change the identity to other user. Click on file > switch identity. If this does not work, it may be because the Program is corrupted OR someone has deleted off all your mails.
Answer 7: The reason could be due to your poor connectivity problem or there is no internet connection. Check with your Internet Service Provider (e.g. SingNet, Pacific Net, StarHub) or your network administrator / IT personnel in your company.
Answer 8: Wait for another 15-20 min before downloading the mails again. This is because when the mail process hangs halfway through, your mail server is still running. After 15-20min, the mail server will be reset and you can try to download the mails again.
Answer 9: - Check that your userid (should be your email address) & password is correct. - Check your email configurations. - Set your server authentication. [refer to Answer 5] - Check if you are using any firewall or anti-virus software
Answer 10: We actually practice disk quota management on our server to prevent the hard disk from becoming full. If a customer feels that the _reports folder is eating up into his allocated disk quota we can delete the previous months reports to free up some space.
Answer 11: The problem may lie with the ISP. It may be because they may have a copy of an old zone file on their DNS servers for that domain (the email account that you are trying to send to) which prevented mail from our mail servers reaching to that domain. Please forward that email to us at and we will help to rectify your problem and reply back to you.
Answer 12: It could be that your total message count in the server has exceed 500. You are advisable to delete the mails from the server.
Answer 13: Click on tools > account > mail tab > Highlight on your mail account and click on properties > Click on server tab, make sure you check on the option "My server requires authentication". Click on settings. Make sure the option "Log on using" is checked and key in your email address under the 'Account Name' column.
Answer 14: What you receive is a virus email from other users. However, our Virus-Scan Server detected the virus and deleted the virus off from the server. In other words, the email that you receive is virus-free. What you are seeing is the original message that is generated by the virus / worms. It has no meaning at all. Just ignore the email and delete it off. For more info on the virus, you can open up the "Wired-Media Anti-Virus safe stamp.txt" file.