1. After creating your webpages , the next thing to do is to upload it to your web server
2. Launch Fetch program
3. You will see the top windows taskbar appears as shown below

4. Select File > New Connection

5. You will see a window appears as shown below

6. Type in the following settings as shown :
- Host : www.<your-domain-name>
(e.g. for domain wmasia.net, the host name is www.wmasia.net)
- User ID : your domain administrator username
(e.g. for domain wmasia.net, the administrator username is wmasianet)
- Passwords : FTP administrator password
7. Click on OK button to connect
8. You will see a window appears as shown below

9. Double click on www folder

10. Now you are in the www folder and ready to transfer files into the server
11. Go to your web files (from Mac HD) and drag them into the below window
12. Simply close the window to disconnect from the Web Server
13. You have successfully uploaded the files to SingNet Web Server using Fetch