1. After creating your webpage, the next thing to do is to upload the files up to your domain Web Server
2. Open WS-FTP program
3. You will see a window appears as shown below

4. Type in the following settings :
- Profile Name : any name you like
- Host Name / Address : www.<yourdomainname>
(e.g. for domain wmasia.net, the host name is www.wmasia.net) (OR please refer to the VSC email that is sent to you)
- Host Type : Automatic detect
- User ID : your domain FTP username
(e.g. for domain wmasia.net, the administrator username is wmasianet)
- Password : FTP password
5. Click on OK button to connect
6. You will a window with 2 split windows appears as shown below
7. From the right window , double click on www folder
8. From the left window , go to local folder that contains the web files that you create

9. From the left window , select the files and click on "-->" button to upload it

10. After you have uploaded the files , click on Close button to disconnect from the Web Server
11. You have successfully uploaded the files to your Web Server using WS-FTP
Take Note: Your main page/starting page of your web site must be index.html or index.htm file