1. From the MAC desktop, double click on the Outlook Express icon.
2. You will see a window appears as shown below
3. From the taskbar , go to Tools > Accounts option

4. You will see a window appears as shown below
5. Double click on Account name (the example shown below is User Name (POP))

6. You will see Edit Account window appears

7. Ensure the settings as follows :
- Account Name : user name
- Name : your name
- Email Address : your email address
- Account ID : your email address
- POP Server : pop.<your domain name>
(e.g. for domain wmasia.net, the setting is pop.wmasia.net)
- SMTP Server : asmtp.<your domain name>
(e.g. for domain wmasia.net, the setting is asmtp.wmasia.net)
8. Under "Sending mail" header, click on "Click here for advance sending options"
9. Select the option "My server requires authentication"
10. Select the radio button "Log on using"
11. Under "Account name" field, key in your email address
12. Click on 'Ok' button
13. Click on options tab, which you would see as shown below

14. The settings here are optional
15. Click on OK button to end the configuration
16. You have successfully configure the Outlook Express settings