1. Open or Launch "Outlook 2002" program
2. Click on "Tools" > "E-mail Accounts..."

3. From the E-mail Accounts dialog box, select "View or change existing e-mail accounts" and click on "Next" button.

4. From the E-mail Accounts dialog box, select the account and click on "Change..." button.

5. Configure the settings as follows :
Your Name : <Your Name>
E-mail address : <E-mail address> (e.g.<userid>@<user domain name>)
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): asmtp.<your domain name> (e.g. asmtp.wmasia.net)
Incoming mail server (POP3): pop.<your domain name> (e.g. pop.wmasia.net)
User Name: <your user id>@<user domain name>

6. Click on "More Settings..." button and select the "Outgoing Server" tab.
7. Tick on "My outging server (SMTP) requires authentication".

8. Select the 2nd option "Log on using"
9. Under "User Name", key in your full email address
10. Click on 'Ok' to save your settings